Verbal Classification

Verbal Classification (Word Structure) Warm-up

👉Find the connection between the original group of words, and identify which word belongs with the original group. (Focus on word structures including number of letters, part of speech, tense, palindrome words, etc.)

1 / 10

goldfish, wallpaper, skyscraper, airport, earache

2 / 10

caffeine, arrow, occasion, commiserate, assorted

3 / 10

noon, sagas, eve, rotator, kayak

4 / 10

shiny, dull, sparkly, translucent, textured

5 / 10

romantic, outgoing, unlucky, confident, talkative

6 / 10

began, stepped, quit, thought, imagined

7 / 10

buckle, paint, sip, drop, trip

8 / 10

toxic, venom, cured, medic, wound

9 / 10

argyle, rhythm, larynx, hymnal, mystic

10 / 10

collapse, hinder, relax, invent, swallow

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The average score is 80%
